Sunday, September 29, 2013

Two tritinas

We fall asleep in a bath of orange
street lamp. The curtains never fully close.
all our windows are made of broken glass

at night we try to sleep, but when we close
our eyes, we still see images of glass
menageries, and windows, and orange

spice tea, with nutmeg, served in a wine glass
reflecting back the lamp, glass, and orange
bath, through eyelids which never fully close.

Shine, then break, then dispersing, inverted
suspended like gems in midair, midair
fragments, blue and undulating diamonds

drift slowly upward, then become air
these, stars that fell from night, like diamonds
If the earth and sea itself inverted

These airy, these broken, these starry diamonds
fallen from grace, our bodies inverted
break and scatter, if you come up for air