Wednesday, September 23, 2009

thoughts on the isolate

Today I came to a realization so startling that it can only be described as blog-worthy, I suppose (I mean that tongue-in-cheek, but it's true that this is my first time using The Hour as a journal). Anyway, at training this afternoon we had to say something about ourselves that people wouldn't know by looking at us, so I said I was born deaf, because it was the most interesting thing I could think of that didn't sound like I was bragging. It occurred to me (hours later) that people might have taken that to mean I was deaf for several years, or something, because I neglected to explain that it was due to an ear infection, not deafness as a curse itself, and only lasted a couple weeks. For those same reasons, of course, I almost never think about it. But while playing the piano and silently cursing my ringing ear I suddenly saw it from a different perspective: "I got my hearing back. It's not perfect, but I don't know what I did to get it back at all."

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